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DEEPFAKES – Are fake videos possible?

What do you think is everything real in this world? Probably not!

Everything is possible in this technological world. If developers are creating new software for good purposes, then hackers are also ready to decrypt the codes to misuse them. There is a possibility that the photographs, videos, accounts, and many more could be fake.

In this race of creating and hacking, deepfake is also the name that gains the limelight a few years back. This term was coined in 2017.

Defining deepfake:-

It is a fake video which could be about anything like politics, news, celebrities, etc. These videos look realistic but in actual they are not. One can never predict its reality as it is the result of artificial intelligence.

The process involved in deepfake:-

With the help of a machine learning technique “generative adversarial network”, two different human images or videos can be combined. AI algorithms are trained on a wider scale with a huge library of photographs mainly of renowned people like celebrities.

This advantage of deepfake has been used to create fake political news, fake campaigns, etc which may hinder peace worldwide.

Therefore, it is mandatory to keep your photographs or videos in safe hands.

Problems involved with deepfake:-

How these issues can be solved?

Every problem has seeds of its solutions. To prevent problems resulted from deepfakes, there are 2 ways.

  1. Detection of fake videos using any technology- To cite an example, US DARPA’s media forensic department awarded non-profit research group SRI international for detecting deepfakes using the same kind of AIs.
  2. By improving media literacy- Another solution to the problem could be by increasing media literacy in every nook and corner of the world.

However, people especially celebrities can protect their photos or videos from falling into the wrong hands by using the best VPN services.

Lastly, though deepfakes are used for wrong purposes, but it has also proved a fact that everything is not real in this digitized world. It is no more necessary that, whatever we see is always right.

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