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Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365

Novalis recommends Microsoft 365 as the fastest and simplest way to take your organization to the cloud. This is part of our strategy to deliver the hyper-connected office experience to our clients. In today’s busy world, we can’t be tethered to our desks any longer. Take your software, documents and files, meetings, phone calls, and more anywhere you go on ANY device. Microsoft 365 is a big part of how Novalis is able to provide legendary hyper-connected 24x7x365 support to our clients.

Our Microsoft 365 plans include:

  • Office 365 Software: Word, Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, and more for all of your user’s devices.
  • Microsoft Windows Enterprise for your PCs.
  • Enterprise-ready message and collaboration tools including Exchange, Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Yammer, and more.
  • Advanced security features like multi-factor authentication, full disk encryption, advanced antivirus and anti-malware software, and advanced spam filtering.

For all of this and much, much more, including always the latest and greatest versions and features in your software plus access to our 24x7x365 support (REALLY!), contact us today!

Go even further: Get everything you need to be hyper-connected and worry free with the peace of mind you can only get from Novalis by upgrading to Novalis Surface Workspaces and cloud managed networking — both now available Device-as-a-Service for the first time.


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