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The Hidden Agenda Of Secure Passwords

When it comes to security, we make sure that our crucial data or information is safe from hackers. And, for this reason, we build strong to strong passwords for any private file or folders. However, do you know that even passwords are not enough to secure the files and folders?… So, how to build a password that is complex enough to break.

Further, I will move onto the various tips and tricks in order to generate a secure password.

How to create the strongest passwords for your accounts?

  1. Think of any sentence that you can remember very easily. For instance: I have three members in my family.
  2. Make a password from this sentence by utilizing the first letter of each word to form a string. For the above sentence, the string would be-ihtmimf
  3. Make this string complex by using uppercase, lowercase letters, and numbers. For above, it is like-Ih3MimF( I used 3 for the word three).
  4. Furthermore, you can add special characters in place of letters or by replacing them. Example- !h3MsimF
  5. Now, check the strength of your password using password checker.
  6. Lastly, keep your password a secret. Never share it with anyone.

What to avoid while generating password?

  1. Firstly, never use repeated characters as they are easy to guess.
  2. Avoid using your or your loved one’s name, birth date or anything similar to it as a password. These are the first things that a hacker can try to break your privacy.
  3. Never use dictionary words in any order.
  4. Avoid using a single password to every login.
  5. Choose unique password recovery questions that are critical to answer.
  6. Never store your password online because criminals can have easy access to those.

What are the qualities of strong passwords?

  1. On the basis of length:
    • The more are the number of characters in the password, the more
      strong it is.
    • More than 14 characters are enough to build a stronger one.
  2. On the basis of complexity:
    • It would be harder to guess the password if there is more variety of
      special characters, uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols.
    • It is always recommended to use the entire keyboard for generating a

In this day and age, cybersecurity is of utmost importance. There are as many no. of hackers as the no. computers in the world. Therefore, always be sure about your password that it is hard enough to guess and it must be kept only with you; not even to your colleagues.

Last advice, whenever you have to share a password, always uses OneTimeSecret. This site creates a one time link to a page with your password and then, it is erased forever.

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