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What to ask the management about cybersecurity policies?

Ways for approaching threat management are continuously changing due to an increase in the number of cyberattacks. Organizations constantly look for various strong measures to protect themselves and their employees from being the victim of these attacks.

Can you imagine how much money do criminals earn through cybercrimes? It’s about $1.5 trillion as declared by one of the reports.

By looking at the present scenario, many board meetings are being held in different countries to discuss cybersecurity and numerous attacks like a data breach, DDoS attacks, etc. Organizations are under pressure as to how well they are secured and covered against these threats by cybersecurity professionals.

Well, if you want to ensure your protection against such attacks, then below are some questions that you or your employees may ask management about security and to keep belongings safe and secure.

  1. What cybersecurity management framework can do for the organization to assess and benchmark the approach and risk profile?
  2. Given management’s assessment of our cyber risks and mitigating procedures, where are our most significant residual vulnerabilities?
  3. Where do we rank in cyber awareness as compared to other competitors?
  4. How frequently does management perform cyber testing/war games? And how do we benchmark our performance?
  5. Which leaders across the organization have accountabilities for cyber risks within IT, functions, business, and operational areas, etc.? Do we have enough resources dedicated to each?
  6. How our business continuity/resiliency plans are adapting in response to dynamically evolving cyber threats? Do these plans consider local laws?
  7. Have we assessed the potential financial impact of an interruption caused by a cyber event?
  8. Do we have a dedicated cyber insurance policy?
  9. For how much the limits of liability of cyber insurance we are available, and how can we determine if they are sufficient?
  10. How often will the board update on the status of cyber risk management and cyber insurance coverage? What about the format of that report?
  11. How have we compared our cyber insurance program to our fundamental risk profile, to our competitors, or those with similar risk/threat profiles?

On the last note, asking the above-mentioned questions will surely assist you in protecting your firm from hackers.

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