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Your Password Is Ruining Your Account’s Security! Know How

When going to set a new password for our social handles, most of us are ignoring the basics. Password management specialist has released a new worst passwords list for the year in order to get rough information about the most commonly used and easily guessable passwords. The list was created after analyzing around five million passwords all across the world leaked on the internet. But they didn’t include the passwords which were related to hacks of adult sites.

Research has proved that approximately 10 percent of internet users are guilty of using the password from the list. 3 percent of them make use of the very worst password, i.e. “123456”.

Extremely lazy numerical and keyword patterns are in the spotlight in the list (eg. ‘qwerty’ and ‘abc123’). And some common phrases like ‘password’ and ‘iloveyou’ are well-known examples.

The list of worst passwords

  1. 123456
  2. Password
  3. 123456789
  4. 12345678
  5. 12345
  6. 111111
  7. 1234567
  8. sunshine
  9. qwerty

A bad password leaves you exposed

A bad password has the power to ruin your life. I know it sounds funny and weird, but honestly, it’s true. If someone gets to know your password to e-mail, you’re in danger. And if social media handle? It’s even worse. The whole point to put a strong password to protect your account, device, network, and system from the hackers.

  1. iloveyou
  2. princess
  3. admin
  4. welcome
  5. 666666
  6. abc123
  7. football
  8. 123123
  9. monkey
  10. 654321
  11. !@#$%^&*
  12. charlie
  13. aa123456
  14. donald
  15. password1
  16. qwerty123
  17. zxcvbnm
  18. 121212
  19. bailey
  20. freedom

In the United States, it’s really simple to hack someone’s life. All you need is just those numbers that are commonly used to hack smartphones, a string of characters to reach most email accounts and a bit of biographical information in order to steal most identities.

  1. shadow
  2. passw0rd
  3. baseball
  4. buster
  5. daniel
  6. hannah
  7. thomas
  8. summer
  9. george
  10. harley
  11. 222222
  12. jessica
  13. ginger
  14. letmein
  15. abcdef
  16. solo
  17. jordan
  18. 55555
  19. tigger
  20. joshua

Once hackers get the access to your online bank account, they can get a hold on your finances and you might feel the reverberation of that break-in for years.

As per Morgan Slain, CEO of SplashData, Sorry, Mr. President, this is not false news. Using your name or any regular name on the password can put you in danger. Hackers had a great victory by make use of celebrity’s names and sports, and simple keyboard patterns as they are aware of that people are using these easy-to-remember combinations.

It has been recommended to make use of strong and unique terms for the passwords for their social media handles, online bank accounts by using different keys randomly. This would definitely help you to be safe by keeping your account and information safe.

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