8 Years of Jail to Hacker Who Reported a Defect in Hungarian Magyar Telekom

In 2018, Hungarian Law Enforcement seized a young hacker for the purpose that he found and misused serious vulnerabilities in the systems of the Magyar Telekom that is one of the high-grade Hungarian telecommunication companies. So the hacker is sentenced to 8 years in prison.

As per the local media, in April 2018 the hacker set up serious security vulnerability through the website of the telco company and then exploited the issue in order to penetrate the telecommunications network.

The Hungarian youth first reported the fault of the company that persuaded them to join meeting in order to present the possibility to let him test its systems.

The guy went to Budapest to attend the meeting; however, the company didn’t allow him to conduct additional tests on the systems.

But, the young hacker continued testing the Magyar Telekom networks and found some other severe defect in May. The second vulnerability could have permitted the youth to attack all public and retail mobile and data traffic. Moreover, monitoring the servers of the firm was included.

According to Napi.hu website, “Discussions were stalled, but the programmer continued to search for a more severe vulnerability that would allow him to get all the reach to public and retail mobile and data traffic.”

But, it was spotted by Telekom’s people that Andras also became aware of. The company filed a complaint about his action and just in three weeks, police arrested him.

Such activity of the hacker was detected by the cyber experts of Magyar Telekom that then reported the unauthorized entry to the police and ultimately, he got arrested.

The attacker is currently on trial and the Hungarian prosecution service has demanded a prison sentence for life till death. The non-profit human rights supervisory body Hungarian civil liberties union is protecting the guy. There were arguments against the guy by the prosecution stating that the action of the boy posed a serious risk for the society.

The prosecutor’s office offered Andras a bargain that if he would admit that he had done the crime and feels guilty, he would only receive a 2-year suspension prison, but if he didn’t avail himself of it, he would be sentenced to jail for 5 years.

But, due to the charges, the guy is sentenced to prison for 8 consecutive years.

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