A guide to “WannaCry Ransomware”

Another name for WannaCry is “Wcry or Wannacrypt”. It is a ransomware worm that spread quickly from one computer to others by using Eternal blue. When it infects a computer network, it reaches the hard drive and encrypts files which become impossible for the user to access. To decrypt the files, a hefty payment is demanded in bitcoin.

This ransomware consists of multiple components including an application for encryption and decryption, files with encryption keys, and a copy of Tor.

Now, the question arises- Is paying the only option to decrypt the infected files?

Well, it depends.

If all the files which are affected are linked to any backup, then you can easily restore them without paying.

Files which are saved on the desktop, documents, or any other removable drive are encrypted and their original copies are destroyed. Thus, there is no chance to recover these files.

However, files without any backup can be restored if they are saved at other places in computer. Their original copies are just deleted which can be recovered with the help of “undelete tool”.

What are the different ways to secure any system/organization from WannaCry?

  • First of all, it is recommended to update all your security software to protect against them
  • It is also mandatory to have an updated operating system since those with outdated systems are more vulnerable to WannaCry attacks.
  • One mostly used method for infecting any computer network is email. Therefore, that should be wary of suspicious emails and the links attached to it.
  • Going safe initially is recommended; always keep the backup of all the crucial data so that if an attack occurs, you may not have to worry about it. By keeping the backup copy, you can restore the files which have been erased by encrypting.
  • Back-ups must also be highly protected because hackers have the skills to delete them.
  • If you do not own anti-virus software, then make it happen now. Have the good and reputable latest version of anti-virus which can help you to stop WannaCry malware.
  • It is also effective to instruct the users about numerous cyberattacks like phishing, watering hole attacks, and also about the negative effects of outdated software.

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