
A guide on types of VPNs, protocols and ciphers – Part 2

In part 1, we have discussed VPN encryption and its types. Today, we are going to discuss its protocols. VPN protocols represent the processes and instructions that VPN clients rely on to barter a secure affiliation between a device and a VPN server. There are numerous different protocols usually supported by business VPN services. Below listed are some of the main protocols that you would like to understand:   SSL and TLS This is the kind of encryption which the majority of people are acquainted with. It is utilized by each OpenVPN and all HTTPS-secured sites. Building on its precursor…

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A guide on types of VPNs, protocols and ciphers – Part 1

Virtual private Networks (VPNs) are a uniquely enduring cornerstone of modern security, still used by giant organizations to facilitate secure remote access. By now, most of us know that a VPN assigns us a new IP address and transmits our online traffic through an encrypted tunnel. However, it is not compulsory with all the VPNs. Encryption protocols and ciphers are at the centre of VPN technology, determining how your ‘secure tunnel’ is actually shaped. Each one represents a different solution to the problem of secure, private, and anonymous browsing. Below, we’ll review different types of encryption, the main VPN protocols…

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Cybersecurity over Cyberbullying (Part 2)

In part 1, we have discussed cybersecurity and cyberbullying briefly like definition, their work, and how they are differentiated from one another. In this blog, we’ll move one step further i.e. to manage cybersecurity and cyberbullying. Sitting while is not the solution to any problem. One has to stand up and take some actions if he seriously wants to mitigate the issue. Similarly, numerous measures need to be taken to minimize the threat and effects of cyberbullying and cybersecurity breach. To minimize cybersecurity risk, there are few useful tips that one can easily follow: Up to date software, every time…

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Cybersecurity over Cyberbullying

First of all, I would like to ask a question to all of you. What do you understand by the terms- cybersecurity and cyberbullying? I know you are no stranger to these terms but how deep you know about them? Let’s get start with them: Cyberbullying is defined as bullying a person with the help of technological outlets like social media or texting. Cybersecurity is defined as the protection provided against important data using various techniques. I hope you all cleared with its definition. Let’s move further and study them in detail. Cyberbullying:- Bullying is far more than physical abuse,…

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What Do You Understand By The Term Deep Web & Dark Web?

World Wide Web (WWW), a popular term among the netizens. It was invented in 1989 and made available to the public in 1991. Since then, abrupt changes took place and cybercrime has also increased. In this digital world, there are many terms of which you might be not aware such as Deep web and Dark web. Let’s discuss them below in detail. Deep Web: – The Deep Web is comprised of all of the parts of the web which are not indexed by popular search engines. Not all of it is under red light district zone; in fact, the majority…

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Is your AWS (Amazon web services) account secured?

The increasing demand for cloud services has made many organizations dependent on them by moving all applications and workloads to the public cloud. Due to this, recognizing the security challenges of cloud in general and AWS, in particular, has become difficult. Therefore, understanding the need of the hour, we have come with some effective tips to secure your AWS accounts: Use security groups: – To limit access to administrative services and databases, it is recommended to use AWS security groups. Avoid using and allow only certain network ranges. You can also delete unwanted security groups. CloudTrail: – This is…

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DEEPFAKES – Are fake videos possible?

What do you think is everything real in this world? Probably not! Everything is possible in this technological world. If developers are creating new software for good purposes, then hackers are also ready to decrypt the codes to misuse them. There is a possibility that the photographs, videos, accounts, and many more could be fake. In this race of creating and hacking, deepfake is also the name that gains the limelight a few years back. This term was coined in 2017. Defining deepfake:- It is a fake video which could be about anything like politics, news, celebrities, etc. These videos…

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Is it CIA or AIC? #security

Hey guys… Are you familiar with the CIA? Let me clear you about this abbreviation. It does not stand for ‘Central Intelligence Agency’. It stands for “Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability”. To eliminate this confusion, it is often referred to as “AIC” i.e. Availability, Integrity, and Confidentiality. These are the 3 pillars of security. The AIC triad is a model that is designed especially for companies to form security policies. The 3 major elements of this triad are considerably crucial for security purposes. Let us go deep into these elements:- Availability- Well, it refers to the accessibility of information in a…

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Large-scale v/s small-scale & Cybersecurity

Cybercriminals are gaining ground by each passing day. Neither small-scale nor large-scale companies are protected from so-called cyber criminals. In earlier days i.e. in the 1980s and 1990s, computer security systems were mainly to fight against small-scale risks. Users normally protect their devices by installing anti-virus software, non-complex passwords, packet filtering rules, and malware scanners. In those days, there were simple threats and that’s why it was not necessary to have high-security systems. However, if we talk about today’s scenario, then these simple techniques are not enough to protect the systems and privacy. With the advancement in technology, large-scale infrastructure…

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Do you know that person in the “Black Hat”?

Today I was searching for news related to security. And guess what I found? A black hat hacker! What is it? My first thought upon seeing this is- a hacker in a black hat. But what it turns out to be is-“a criminal who finds computer security vulnerabilities and misuse them for earning money or other malicious reasons”. All bank statements and financial information can get stolen by the black hat hackers, thereby; can damage the reputation of small and large organizations. Who can become black hat hackers? Black hat hackers could be anyone from teenage amateurs who have knowledge…

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