
Golang stealer malware # New in the market

A new cryptocurrency crook has found its new way of writing i.e. Golang (Go) programming language which is famous among cybercriminals writing malware in Go. Let me tell you a little about Go. It is a programming language designed in 2007 at Google. The main motive behind its designing is to improve programming productivity. It was designed by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. Sofacy produced a new variant of Zebrocy malware last year which was written in Go to create a functionally similar to Trojan to use in spear-phishing emails with an LNK shortcut attachment. Researchers represented the…

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Tips for security awareness training programs

We know enough about cyber threats. Today, let’s get straight into the various security training programs. The ideal program should include exercises such as: Clean Desk Policy Your desk where you work must be clean when not in use. Things such as sticky notes, printouts, papers, and credentials, sensitive and confidential data must be placed in the locked drawers to keep them safe from thieves and criminals. Managing data There are a lot of backup data of customers and employees which they are not aware of. The importance of this data is often neglected by the employees. If such kind…

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Mobile Operating Systems And Their Security

In older days, cybercriminals were mainly targeting laptops and computers. However, with the advent of the latest technology, smart phones have also become their target. If we look into the security purposes, then which one is the most secured- Android or IOS. Let’s have a look at both the operating system and find which is secure enough for your safety purpose. Android operating system:- Androids are hugely popular among individuals. There are several apps created for the ease of people which they install in their android phones, but the problem arises when attackers build an app with a motive of…

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Everything to know about VPN

Are you worried about your security and privacy while surfing via unsecured Wi-Fi network? Then, VPN is the answer to protect you from such privacy issues. VPN stands for ‘Virtual Private Network’. It protects you by hiding your internet protocol address so that you can’t get traced. VPN can provide security more than secured Wi-Fi by making encrypted connections. All your online activities like shopping, payments, sending emails, etc are protected by VPN. VPN can hide many things which can keep your privacy at risk. The things which a VPN can hide are: Browsing history- Whatever you search over the…

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FaceApp- The increasing popularity along with privacy concerns

I am pretty sure that all are aware of FaceApp. It is a blissful experience to see one’s old age face with this app. From celebrities to common people, all are obsessed with this digital age face app. This is a Russian app. People are happily posting their digitally aged pictures on Instagram, Whatsapp, and other social media. But, what this FaceApp cost to them? It’s their privacy. People do not know the fact that this popular app utilizes the privacy of its users. You might have noticed that upon downloading this app on mobile phones, you’re asked to agree…

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4G versus Wi-Fi

To stay connected in this technological world, we use various internet access methods like 3G, 4G, or Wi-Fi. We become excited about getting free public Wi-Fi. However, the question arises as how much these hotspots are safe and how much are we secure. Let’s first understand these technologies:- Public Wi-Fi hotspots: These hotspots can be found in places such as malls, airports, shops, restaurants, hotels, etc. Unfortunately, this free accessibility to the internet is the least secure way as it may involve malware or threat that may steal your identity or may insert a virus to your mobile phones or…

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Secure your system with hardware and software cleaning – Part 2

In part 1, we discussed the cleaning procedure of hardware which is the prior need of securing your system from external factors. Today, we’re gonna shed light on the software part. This is an important step if you wish to increase the longevity of your system. Back up your data: Backing-up the crucial information or pictures is the effective method to save your data as you never know when malware can hit your system and you may lose all your credentials. Either, store the data in external drives or save it on the cloud. Install anti-virus: Anti-virus acts as a…

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Secure your system with hardware and software cleaning – Part 1

Cleaning the computer’s hardware and software is very important for several reasons. With the prolonged usage of computer and without its regular cleaning, several dust particles may stick to its body which affects its working. With the regular cleaning of hardware, your computer will run smoothly and its longevity is extended for a few more years which can save time and money. With the effective regular cleaning, you move a step forward in saving your investment and your data. While wiping off the screen and empty crumbs from your keyboard, you are reducing its various risk factors by increasing its…

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Cybersecurity Tip: Beware of Strangers

To spread viruses on a wider level, cybercriminals look for famous online sites or services to exploit, like Google or Yahoo Mail. As per news report from Bleeping Computer, a realistic but phony Office 365 website is one of the latest. The main motive of this is to trick you into downloading malware. When you get to that fake site, a pop-up message is shown after few seconds regarding updates of any browser like Firefox. And, you are asked to click here which upon installing steal login usernames, passwords and more. Thus, to avoid such situations, there are two options:-…

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What you know about GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)?

What do you know about GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)? GDPR is for protecting data, released by the European Parliament and the European council in 2016. Due to this GDPR, European citizens have more control over their data. GDPR holds the responsibility of customer data protection and requires firms to have an all-round approach for implementing regulations. Identifiers like genetic, mental, cultural, economic, or social are included as the identity of an individual. Individuals have complete right over their personal data. These rights are: The right to be forgotten The right to data portability The right to object to profiling,…

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