Essential Security Smartphone Apps

In the present scenario, the majority of world’s population are using smartphones. They come in immensely handy in each and every task; whether to call a person, to browse the internet, to study, to get yourself entertained, to click pictures, and to store the data as well. Wherever we go, these gadgets give access to many other things in every nook and corner of the world. It is a universal truth that we can’t live without our phones even for a single minute.

However, have you ever imagined about the security of these sophisticated gadgets (which is called cybersecurity) from hackers, malware or antivirus? These threats may impose harm not only to your mobile phones but also to your data. If we are using public network access, then chances are very high to fall in unpleasant situations. It is not at all necessary that our personal information could only be misused if our mobile phones get lost; it can also be the case with hacking.

Therefore, it becomes imperative to protect your gadgets from any kind of risks using various cybersecurity apps.

Let’s talk about some free security apps and paid security apps:

Are free security apps worth using?… Yes, of course… When we are loaded with so many security apps, we often get confused as which one to choose. Here, what makes it easy for us is free security apps.

As there are free cybersecurity apps, we feel relaxed that if it doesn’t give us desired outcome then it will cost nothing to us and we may switch to any other effective paid security app or we can continue to use the free one if found protective enough.

There are myriad of security apps for your mobile phones, laptops, or PCs. Let’s have a look at some of them.

ANTI-VIRUS:- As we are talking about cybersecurity apps for smartphones, the first one in the queue is the anti-virus app that is essential for both android and ios. These can be downloaded easily from the Google Play Store or the IOS App Store. Some are free of cost, some cost a little, some are for mobile phones and some for your computer. Some apps also provide a free trial version for some days; if found ok, you can take annual subscription of it.

LastPass:- This is an interesting app for Android users that actually work on making your device more secure with strong passwords. It is actually a password creator app that keeps safe all your passwords and information in one complex password. Just remember your LastPass master password, and it automatically login your other accounts. For IOS users, there is a similar app called Lock It Up!

Wire:- Want a secure communication!… Then, give a try to wire. It can be used for IOS, Andriod, Windows, MAC, Linux, and on the web as well. It is end-to-end encryption that offers users complete protection in a wide range. From voice call to video call, chat to document sharing, and even confidential talks with clients or partners just with a single app. A cherry on the cake is that it is not necessary that both the parties must have wire account; if you have wire account but the other person with whom you want to communicate doesn’t have the one, then also you can have fully secured communication with him.

I hope the information provided above would prove to be useful for all including business owners who want a completely secure system in their area of work.

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