Guide To Creating a Culture of Cyber Security at Work

The huge theory of cybersecurity and privacy at work is out of reach of the employees from C-suite to remote workers left the IT Department. A number of browsers and media are raising the topic in order to spread awareness, but those who don’t have sufficient knowledge in IT are still left behind with a less than satisfactory understanding of what it’s highly required for cybersecurity.

I feel that this is the right time to share some tips on how you can best create a culture of cybersecurity at work.

Cyber Security culture starts with the C-suite or Board of directors

No good strategy at work starts from the bottom. The C-suite and board have to take initiative and decide to begin with cybersecurity at work. So, if you want to create a culture of cybersecurity at work, then I would recommend you to start with the C-suite. Chief Officers and boards are usually a hard bunch to convince when you’re not fully prepared, especially when you are not able to show how their investment would be pay off.

Invest in cybersecurity training company-wide

Once you have got permission and adoption from the boards and COX’s, you should search for investing in a long-term cybersecurity training program for all the employees in the office.

I understand that you would not be able to share this information in an easy and effective way without having an effect on the productivity of employees. You can go for these methods:

Cybersecurity Onboarding

You should work with the HR Department at your work in order to start a cybersecurity onboarding program for new employees. If someone establishes cybersecurity at a company, before they are given IT pieces of equipment, they should be given the right training as well. You can consider the following topics:

  • Basics of password management
  • The basics of encryption and digital signing, in case, if you are using those types of solutions.
  • Understanding phishing attacks
  • Backing up work
  • Sending personal and important information
  • Account limits, access, and authentication
  • Policies and best practices

It would be a great time explaining the weakest link in the organization’s cybersecurity is definitely their employees. If you are going to start with the basics you could put together up from there.

Communicating cybersecurity with employees

The last and final tip is for those who want to create a culture of cybersecurity at work is by ensuring that you always communicating about cybersecurity in the company.

This means you need to be:

  • Updating employees on new regulations and policies
  • Conducting periodical and bi-annual cybersecurity training and meetings
  • Having a cybersecurity section added to the company newsletter
  • Partnering with cybersecurity initiatives like Novalis.

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