How To Improve Your Router’s Security

The Wi-Fi is the most crucial device at our home, connecting all the computers and gadgets to the internet and keeping us active. Only a few cares for the router, all out there remember its existence when there’s a need to restart because this stubborn human nature only appreciates when losing something. The way we all lack care for the router, it ultimately results in making it prime and easy hacking target since it’s the main gateway to your network. If someone attacks your router, they would definitely perform illegal activities and slower the speed of your internet and can monitor and interfere in your activities.

The cybersecurity companies have a number of routers at their labs. We are here to provide you some basic tips in order to implement basic security settings. These are not hacker-proof settings.

Under the security settings, search for such options:


Default passwords are a huge problem with digital devices and routers as well. I would definitely suggest you go for a unique password for your devices and routers. You can use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. You should change it from time to time.


You have a number of options for encryption. It generally depends upon your router. The most common ones are:

  • Wired equivalent privacy (WEP)
  • Wi-Fi protected access (WPA)
  • Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2)
  • Advanced encryption standard (AES)


Since the firewall setting is generally enabled by default, must ensure that it’s activated to add a layer of cyber hygiene.

Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)

Wi-Fi Protected Setup is a setting that is generally turned on if it’s available. It has been specifically made in order to make it simpler to set up an encrypted wireless connection without passwords that are very easy to crack. Therefore, I would recommend you to turn it off.


SSID helps in defining your router well. I would guide you to avoid leaving a default SSID name, it could be your router model as such information is easy for the attackers to get. Besides that, avoid using your first name or family member’s name or any other personal information. Be creative and form a unique one.

SSID broadcast

The router we have always broadcast its name publically so that it would be easy for you to find. But, if you want the attackers to not be able to find, disable SSID broadcast. You just need to enter your SSID name when you want to connect new devices to your network.

Remote administration

You can look for this setting in the administration settings unless you attend to remotely outline your router, immobilize remote access to the settings, you’ll be able to organize your router with the help of a wired connection.

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