Instagram’s Initiative Towards Hacking

In this technological era, account hijacking has become a pain in the neck. Instagram is continuously facing these threats and that’s why it decided to take strong action against it. Instagram started with small and simple methods. They founded the way to get locked out of hacked Instagram accounts with a 6-digit code sent on email or phone number that was originally used to open the account.

In addition to this, the problem of identity theft like a name is also gaining ground.

What hackers actually do with this identity?

Cybercriminals upon hacking Instagram account; change the settings including password and names are sold online for a maximum of US$5,000. Thus, to mitigate this issue, Instagram is finding a way to secure the users’ identity.

Lockdown features are present in today’s Android and iOS users and soon 6-digit reset feature will be installed to protect your Instagram account.

What do hackers get by hacking accounts?

Well, theft is being carried out only for money. This is a universal truth. Similarly, this theft of account hacking is also done with the purpose of earning cash.

Now, the question arises how do they convert these credentials into money?

  • Firstly, criminals can sell user names for a good amount.
  • Secondly, they can handover users privacy to other hackers at a handsome cost.
  • Thirdly, they can blackmail the user for their credentials in terms of a heavy amount of sum.

We often think that it’s the stranger who hacks our accounts, however, it is not 100% true because there are some known people as well in the disguise of cybercriminals. These known ones can be your friend, partner or relative who might do this as a result of envy or to take revenge.

These cybercriminals excel in hacking, thereby, they do not take much time to hack and sell your privacy.

Account hijacking is widely spread these days as attackers came to know how important the accounts are and how much money these can bring for them. Though Instagram is stepping forward to curb these factors but this is not sufficient. As one need to think at a wider level to counteract these hacking methods.

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