Large-scale v/s small-scale & Cybersecurity

Cybercriminals are gaining ground by each passing day. Neither small-scale nor large-scale companies are protected from so-called cyber criminals.

In earlier days i.e. in the 1980s and 1990s, computer security systems were mainly to fight against small-scale risks. Users normally protect their devices by installing anti-virus software, non-complex passwords, packet filtering rules, and malware scanners. In those days, there were simple threats and that’s why it was not necessary to have high-security systems.

However, if we talk about today’s scenario, then these simple techniques are not enough to protect the systems and privacy. With the advancement in technology, large-scale infrastructure is relying on these man-made machines for their operation and control. Thus, this dependency is creating a lot more problems for them.

Most of the large-scale firms are still using the older methods of cybersecurity which are useless when it comes to secure the data of such a large enterprise. To illustrate my point- without any doubt passwords and firewalls act as shield to protect against some minor threats, however; with the demanding needs of large scale enterprise, security controls ought to be so strong that it may act as a stumbling block to all kinds of cyber threats and can protect the vast amount of information that an enterprise holds. A single mistake in security needs may play havoc with company’s privacy. It can even erode the name and fame of that firm.

Whereas some small scale companies do not rely on computers 100%. They prefer using pen and paper for credentials such as employees’ data, financial matters, etc. Thus, they are at lesser risks of being the victim of cybercrime. For this reason, they might also do not need any strong security systems, they can take the help of small-scale security.

What is the difference between large- and small-scale security systems?

For Small-scale systems:-

  • Gaining visibility is simple.
  • Assets are fairly well-known.
  • Fixed configuration tasks.

For Large-scale systems:-

  • Larger systems have complex visibility
  • Asset inventories are approximated at best.
  • These deals with ever-changing system attribute.

After acknowledging these differences, companies should opt for new methods of cybersecurity protection. To combat the increasing trend of cybercrime, firms should start focusing on various protections methods which are necessary to defend against cyberthreats.

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