One more threat with voice – ‘Vishing’

Vishing is formed as V+ Phishing = Vishing

This V stands for Voice.

Vishing is a term that is defined as the type of fraud in which voice is used to commit a crime like data access, identity theft, and hacking. You know that phishing is done through email but vishing is done via telephone.

How it is done?

Vishing is carried by using caller ID spoofing in which an attacker make a call and it appears as someone is calling from a legitimate phone number in your area code. As, people trust caller ID therefore, no one finds anything fishy in it.

How to prevent vishing?

Stay attentive towards caller ID spoofing

It is not always necessary that the name displayed on caller ID is correct; it could be the false identity of the criminal. If the criminal says that he/she is from the said organization, never trust them blindly as call spoofing has been made so easy with the help of voice over IP technology.

Be a tortoise and think before you act

What do you think why I want you to be like the tortoise? What we humans do is we easily trust everyone, especially when it comes to financial and cybersecurity. However, this nature may prove to be harmful. Therefore, I suggest you be like tortoise i.e. never go too fast, slow down your pace and always think before falling prey to the hands of a criminal. Kindly note that if you are in doubt about the legitimacy of any call, look for the phone number of the organization which you thought you were talking to and call them directly.

Report suspicious callers

Give your cell phone carrier a chance to find about suspicious callers and report vishing attempts. Furnishing these associations with the names and numbers that showed up on the caller ID and the time of the suspect calls can assist them with blacklisting malicious callers.

Test your organization

Recognizing extortion is a test for even the most security-cognizant associations. As, it is already said that it’s human instinct to believe those with whom we are connected, particularly in the work environment. Testing your workers with social engineering trap will keep fraud discovery and counteractive action at the forefront of their thoughts and help you recognize representatives who are exceptionally defenseless to tricks and train them further.

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