Patch management for network security

Vulnerabilities in your system could be quite often. And, solutions to manage such threat are also in abundance but it is difficult to identify as which one is the best for those vulnerabilities.

Today, I am going to discuss security management software called Patch management. A patch is a software update that contains computer code placed (or patched) into the code of a software program. Software developers release patches as temporary fixes in between full releases of new software.

But, what are the reasons to release patches?

  • First of all, a patch can fix a software bug, fix security vulnerabilities, install new drivers, and improve software stability.
  • Being an integral part of network security, it also protects your operating system and other applications from various attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in that software which are not patched.

To find out that which vulnerability is patched by the update, criminals compare the patch to the current application with the help of software. In few minutes, hackers get to know the weak spot and start exploiting that weakness with malware. After being the patch is released, attackers deploy the malware to target the particular vulnerability patch. Due to this reason, immediate patching becomes necessary.

It was found that around 5000 vulnerabilities arise by the each passing year and staying on the top of patching is tough. Patching task is normally given to IT department, but sometimes companies may also hire MSSPs (Managed Security Service Providers) to get the work done effectively.

If we compare patching in present with that in past, then it is much easier today. If you have chosen MSSPs to work on patches, then you can have good sleep at night as they make it sure that patching process ensures remediation of vulnerabilities.

In addition to above, outsourcing patching also provides you a dedicated and experienced team of professionals and automation, whose main focus is to secure your software from hackers and bad actors.

Lastly, outsourcing also offers extra time for your organization’s IT staff to focus on other important tasks; thereby, making your organization more productive.

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