Ransomware Attacks and Healthcare

Ransomware is a threat which renders a system inoperable until a hacker is paid the ransom fee for providing the key to unlock the system. Irrespective of other cyber crimes, ransomware locks down the data. To infect the system with ransomware, attackers use social engineering techniques like phishing. Once the single system gets infected by ransomware, it may spread to the whole network of organization, encrypting files on both mapped and unmapped network drives. With the passage of time, it may even affect the organization’s backup files which are just next to impossible to restore the system.

When the files encrypted, the ransomware displays a pop-up or webpage with a message that files have been locked with instructions to unlock them. For example- Medstar employees have seen these pop-ups before their systems were shut down. Once the ransom is paid in the form of Bitcoin, an untraceable “cryptocurrency”, a decryption key is provided by the hacker to unlock all the files that had been encrypted.

Sometimes, there might be frauds that either don’t provide decryption key or give the wrong key even after receiving huge chunks of money. Due to this, the FBI advises not to pay money to them. However, some firms get panic and do whatever hackers say to get their data back.

One more noticeable point of a ransomware attack is that hacker has the information and the buyer in the form of the owner of that data who can pay the demanded sum as asked by the hacker without any negotiation.

Why ransomware majorly targets health care systems?

Healthcare industry has a lot of sensitive and crucial data to a target. In healthcare; nurses, doctors, assistants, and other professionals always need continuous access to patient’s data to prevent injuries or deaths. Thus, if this mandatory information gets hacked, it may prove fatal for patients.

Health care organizations give the least priority to IT and Security systems which makes them more vulnerable to these breaches.

Advice for the healthcare system:

Healthcare must change their mindset and start giving importance to security solutions to avoid any further hacking. As ransomware is done through the simple techniques of social engineering such as phishing emails, therefore, it is possible to prevent these hacks by following some simple measures which are described below:

  • Primarily, invest in some good cyber security solution.
  • Organize training sessions for employees on security awareness.
  • Carry out the regular tests to identify various threats.

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