Strategies to save yourself from Social Engineering Attack

There are numerous types of social engineering attacks. One of my friends had been the victim of one of these attacks. She bore a great loss due to this threatening incident. As she came out of the loss, she found some ways by which one can avoid to become the victim of these crimes.

2FA/Multifactor authentication- One of the best ways to prevent hacking is the use of multifactor authentication where a hacker has to unlock numerous steps which become difficult and require long duration. Thereby, criminals may get frustrated and might not think of hacking. It is a good way to safeguard your protection.

Up-to-date antivirus- Antivirus software is also a good way to examine any kind of mishappening in your system. While scanning your system, it may find all unnecessary files, any threat occurring in your system and remove it on the spot. Thus, it is a quick way to make your computer virus free.

Don’t get allured easily- When we are given exciting offers for no cause, then think wisely. These may be to get your personal data like an account number for hacking. If in dilemma, then Google it and reveal the truth behind this offer.

Avoid unnecessary emails or attachments- It is advisable, not open to open or hit reply to the unknown sender or whom you think as non-trustworthy. I also got many fake emails like you won this amount or got a job offer, and fill the attached form which I never did because these were just to harm your system or to gather your private data.

Source detection- If you find any USB in your way, never think to take it along with you as that may contain malware which may harm your computer. Additionally, any email or text message from your trusted source might not be trustworthy as hackers may try to get involved between you and your bank/any source.

Take assistance from email software- Majority of the email programs have the ability to kick out any junk emails. The main goal is to keep your email junk free by removing all unwanted and suspicious emails including spam. If you are not having this feature, then Google it right now to enable this setting.

So, if you all will follow these simple tricks, you might stay out of such attacks. Social engineering is very common these days either online or offline, just keep abreast of yourself about these attacks and to stay secure.

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