The Modern Rules for Cybersecurity

Ethical hacking is rising at an alarming rate in this modern era. Therefore, it is the need of the hour to establish various ways to avoid such circumstances.

In this blog, I will shed light upon some rules that one must follow against hacking.To have full proof protection from various cyber crimes; there must be a good list of rules, measures, techniques, and adaptive team.

Today, I have come upon with 4 rules/4 point approach to maintain cybersecurity which are as follows:

1. Analyze the risk-

The first point of prime importance is that one must conduct a risk assessment on the basis of external and internal sources of threats. It will enable OT specialists and utility stakeholders to understand the exact source of vulnerabilities as well as to complete with the documentation of security policy and to protect our new world of energy.

2. Establish a security policy and related processes-

A cybersecurity policy has some set of rules which needs to be followed. These ought to be led by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)’s family of standards (ISO27k) giving utmost recommendations on information security management. The main motive of this policy is to provide information to contractors, employees, and other authorized users regarding the protection of technology and information assets.

Now, what does it include?… This list of assets which need to be protected, find threats to those assets, explain users’ responsibilities and associated access privileges, and also describes unauthorized actions that need to be taken for the violation of the security policy. Cybersecurity system must be reviewed and updated regularly. In order to maintain the effectiveness of security; it is advisable to conduct a review at least once a year.

3. Execute projects that focus on risk mitigation-

When it comes to cybersecurity technology; choose the one that is based on international standards. Moreover, be ensured about the exact security policy and described risk elimination actions that can be followed. One more approach i.e. SECURE BY DESIGN is also based on international standards like IEC 62351 and IEEE 1686 which can assist further in reducing risk.

4. Management of security programs-

For effective management of cybersecurity, you should not only consider the above 3 points but also proper management of information and communication asset. For this, it’s crucial to:

  • maintain accuracy and documentation about asset firmware, operating systems, and configurations.
  • Have an in-depth understanding of technology upgradation and obsolescence schedules.
  • Be fully aware of all known vulnerabilities and existing patches.

On the last note; security is about each and everything that exists in this world. Above described are the essential points for maintaining security against various cyber attacks. For effective results, one must carry out the continuous assessment.

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