What Do You Understand By The Term Deep Web & Dark Web?

World Wide Web (WWW), a popular term among the netizens. It was invented in 1989 and made available to the public in 1991. Since then, abrupt changes took place and cybercrime has also increased.

In this digital world, there are many terms of which you might be not aware such as Deep web and Dark web. Let’s discuss them below in detail.

Deep Web: – The Deep Web is comprised of all of the parts of the web which are not indexed by popular search engines. Not all of it is under red light district zone; in fact, the majority of it is pretty harmless. A regular web browser can be used to access much of the Deep Web; however web archives may be required to find what you want. One can go with the Way back Machine which is beneficial for this purpose.

Dark Web: – The Dark Web is the part of Deep Web. It can be accessed through encrypted anonymizing proxy networks such as Tor or I2P. To use this, you are required to install special software on your electronic gadget like a PC or phone. Such proxy networks are very helpful for journalists who want to report on war and politics in hostile territories. In addition to this, these are also useful for mitigating cybercrime because these use cryptography and lots of relays to make servers and endpoints difficult to track.

Remember one thing, all Dark web is Deep web, but all Deep web is not Dark web. In dark web markets; illicit drugs, malware, firearms, stolen credit cards, and bank information of any person or company is being sold there. Similarly, cyber attack services are also sold in those dark web markets.

Types of Dark web activities-

  1. Cybercriminals can harm the organization’s networks and data by selling or buying malware, exploit kits, and cyber-attack services. To protect the organization from such kind of malicious activities, one can deploy numerous sorts of security measures and tools such as antivirus software, SIEM, firewalls, routers, strong identity, and user access management, etc.
  2. The other thing that a company must be worried about is its sensitive data being sold. It is commonly witnessed that breaching is increasing at an alarming rate, therefore, more and more criminals are carrying out to sell the important data of organizations on the dark web.

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